

Woof-Healthy Benefits

Healthy Natural Ingredients, Superfood, Minerals, Antioxidants, and Vitamins

presented in alphabetical order


A nutritious source of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, chlorophyll, and dietary fiber. Functions as a prebiotic, aiding digestion by influencing enzyme activity in the gastrointestinal tract and promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria. Helps maintain a healthy appetite and aids both urinary and bowel functioning. It is also an excellent source of vitamin K.

Alfalfa Juice Concentrate

Alfalfa is high in fat soluble vitamins:  A, D, E and K. It is also one of the richest plant sources of trace minerals owing to the fact that its roots extend deep into the soil. It contains eight amino acids and an abundance of chlorophyll.


A digestive enzyme that augments the metabolism of carbohydrates. Assists in the absorption of nutrients into the cellular network.


Aids in building new muscle, bone and tendon cells. Plays an important role in supporting a healthy metabolism, brain function and immune system.


Serves as a powerful antioxidant that helps maintain a strong immune system. It converts into vitamin A as needed by the body. Crucial for maintaining healthy vision, skin and coat.

Beef Liver

Taken from free-range, grass-fed beef, liver provides a naturally high source of protein, iron and B12.

Barley Grass, Wheat Grass & Organic Wheat Grass

Provide important vitamins, minerals, fiber, and even protein. They provide immune and digestive support. The young greens are high in chlorophyll. Grasses of cereals are different from the plant's grains and are gluten free.

Beet Root

Beets provide concentrated amounts of phytonutrients called betalains, notably betanin and vulgaxanthin.


Blackcurrants have a high antioxidant activity which assists conditions such as cardiovascular disease, cancer and the degenerative diseases associated with ageing. The main antioxidant compounds present in blackcurrants are phenolics (including flavonoids and anthocyanins) and vitamin C. The unusually high anthocyanin content in blackcurrants sets this superfood apart. Anthocyanin reduces the effects of asthmatic lung inflammation, as well as lessening muscle damage and assisting immune responses during exercise. 


Sea vegetable, Bladderwrack's trace mineral content makes it an important part of nutritional support.


Blueberries possess a naturally-occurring constituent called anthocyanins.


A rich nutritional food that contains essential amino acids, chlorophyll and trace minerals. Helps support a healthy immune system. Promotes intestinal regularity, purifies the blood and assists in stabilizing proper blood sugar levels. Aids in cholesterol-reduction and mineral-absorption.


A balanced, natural source of B-vitamins, including folic acid, trace minerals, and high-quality proteins that helps maintain healthy skin, coat, nerves and eyes.


Broccoli contains a unique combination of nutrients in concentrations and ratios not found in other plants. Isothiocyanates, phytonutrients such as glucobrassicin, glucoraphanin and gluconasturtiian and Broccoli's flavonoid content (notably kaempferol).


An essential mineral that is vital for proper cell functionality and nervous system function. It is necessary for the heart in order to maintain a normal heart beat. It’s used by the body to support healthy bones and teeth. It is also required for muscles to contract and relax, promoting healthy muscle function and development. Calcium works synergistically with phosphorus.


A Peruvian herb with amazing properties. Nourishes the immune system, enhances white blood cell formation and promotes cardiovascular health.


Phytonutrients include the combined action of two key nutrients:  carotenoids (alpha & beta carotenes, plus lutein) and polycetylenes (falcarinol and falcarindiol).


A rich source of essential amino acids, B-vitamins & folic acid, iron, copper and magnesium. Strengthens the nervous system. Aids in digestion, proper tissue development and production of red blood cells.


High in chlorophyll, Chlorella assists with normal utilization of oxygen and aids normal growth.


Supports a healthy immune system. A needed mineral for healthy nerves, joints and skin.


An essential fatty acid that helps support a healthy cardiovascular system. It also contains gamma linolenic acid, a powerful omega-6 fatty acid that’s beneficial for improving your pet’s skin, coat, and bone structure.

Dulse Leaf

High in magnesium, iron and beta carotene, Dulse also contains 10-20% protein.


This marine superfood has powerful anti-inflammatory properties. Green Lipped Mussel have a unique combination of fatty acids and are a nutrition powerhouse, they contain: Chondroitin sulphate and glucosamine (aids in stimulating the repair of cartilage and preventing its breakdown), EPA and DHA omega 3 fatty acids (improves brain function, decreases inflammation and high blood pressure, and decreases the risk of heart disease). Most importantly there is also one omega 3 fatty acid which is unique to Green Lipped Mussels and provides a powerful natural benefit, namely eicosatetraenoic acid (ETA). ETA produces similar effects in terms of reducing inflammation to that of commonly used anti-inflammatory drugs, but without any of the potential negative health implications.


Contains both soluble and insoluble fiber, contributes to healthy digestion. Flaxseed is rich in Omega 3 essential fatty acids, Lignans, which have both plant oestrogen and antioxidant qualities, while being a great source of natural fibre.


Fish Oil is high in Omega 3 fatty acids.  Omega 3’s act as a natural anti-inflammatory, promote brain and eye health and assist joint care. Two essential Omega 3 fatty acids for dogs are EPA and DHA which is primarily found in fish. 


Necessary for healthy growth and division of cells. Helps regulate embryonic and fetal nerve cell formation. Needed for the formation of healthy red blood cells and energy production. Strengthens immunity by aiding the formation and functioning of healthy white blood cells. Aids liver and glandular health.

Fructooligosaccharides (FOS)

Possessing a naturally sweet flavor, FOS are prebiotics, meaning they enhance the action and sustainability of probiotics. Prebiotics also have shown positive effects on mineral absorption.


Helps with protein metabolism and promotes proper tissue growth. Necessary for energy production and a healthy immune system.


Kiwifruit is an excellent source of vitamins C, K and E and provides copper, potassium, folate, manganese and dietary fibre.  Kiwifruit is known to assist with digestive issues.


An essential amino acid that helps to buffer and eliminate heavy metals in the body. Helps reduce histamine levels in the body. It is also a powerful antioxidant and a good source of sulfur, which neutralizes free radicals and helps promote healthy skin, coat and nails.


High in phosphatidyl choline, a component of numerous membranes in the body, lecithin is derived from vegetable sources. Lecithin also contains small amounts of phosphatidyl serine.


Liver is the ideal superfood for dogs and cats.  It is a significant part of what they would naturally eat in the wild. Liver is high in vitamin A, critical for good vision, important for healthy bone growth, essential for reproduction, cell division and cell growth, supports the immune system and skin health.


Important for energy and provides support for strong, healthy bones, teeth, arteries, cardiovascular health, and the nervous system.


Needed for normal skeletal and nerve development and for proper lubrication of the joints. Required for protein, fat metabolism and blood sugar regulation.


Provides calcium and phosphorus in the proper ratio for structural integrity of bones and teeth. Calcium is vital for the functioning of the heart, nerves and muscles. Phosphorus is essential for blood clotting, proper cell growth and kidney function.


Aids in protein digestion and metabolism. Helps to cleanse the tissues and walls along the gastrointestinal tract.


High in antioxidant nutrients, particularly flavonoids like luteolin. Parsley is also an excellent source of beta carotene, folic acid, vitamin C and vitamin K.


An essential mineral that works synergistically with calcium to promote healthy bones and teeth, as well as help protect healthy joints. It is necessary for the healthy growth and repair of all tissues and cells in the body. It aids in waste filtration, promoting healthy kidney function. Plays an important role in helping the body utilize energy. Furthermore, it aids in the production of DNA and RNA.


Important for maintaining regular heart rhythm, healthy nervous system and correct muscle function. Works with sodium to regulate the amount of water in the cells.


Sockeye Salmon is a great source of Omega 3’s and Omega 6 – Linoleic Acid. It is also high in Vitamin D, important for the regulation of calcium and phosphorus absorption, maintenance of healthy bones and teeth. Vitamin D is suggested to supply a protective effect against multiple diseases and conditions including cancer, type 1 diabetes and multiple sclerosis. Salmon is also high in carotenoids which contain a natural antioxidant that, based on multiple researches, helps to prevent cardiovascular disease, cataracts, eye disorders, respiratory problems, allergies, and others.


A mineral needed for pancreatic function and tissue elasticity. Plays a vital role in regulating thyroid hormone and fat metabolism. When combined with vitamin E, it aids in the production of antibodies and helps to maintain a healthy heart and liver. Helps maintains a healthy immune system.


A superfood high in easily digestible vegetable protein (over 60% protein, including all of the essential amino acids), contains high levels of beta-carotene, vitamin B12, iron, magnesium, GLA (an essential fatty acid) and trace minerals.


An essential amino acid that aids in the digestion of fats in the small intestine. It helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels by supporting the liver. Vital for maintaining healthy blood pressure levels and balancing the health of the heart muscle. It also balances the levels of sodium, potassium and magnesium in the cells. Also maintains the integrity of the retina of the eye.


The dark yellow-orange rhizome (root) of Turmeric possesses numerous benefits in the diet of dogs and cats.


A highly-digestible and complete protein containing 20 amino acids including methionine, lysine, and taurine. (Cats are unable to produce their own taurine as dogs do). Contains peptides that help boost the immune system.


Required for protein synthesis and collagen formation. Promotes normal growth and cell. Helps to maintain normal levels of vitamin A in the body. Works with red blood cells to move carbon dioxide from the tissues to the lungs. Promotes a healthy immune system.

Beta 1 3-D Glucan 60%

This is a type of soluble fiber that supports health. Although small amounts are found in foods (such as baker's yeast, mushrooms and cereal grains) it is difficult to obtain beneficial amounts from the diet.

Amino Acids (L-Arginine, L-Histadine, L-Isoleucine, L-Leucine, L-Lysine, L-Methionine, L-Tryptophan and L-Valine)

Amino acids build the proteins needed to sustain all of the body's cells. Proteins are needed for the body to produce antibodies, the foundation of the immune system. Critical amino acids are needed for many metabolic processes and neurotransmitter functions.

Probiotics (Bifidobacterium longum, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium bifidum, Lactobacillus rhamnosus)

There is increasing research to show the importance of how probiotics fundamentally contribute to health. Also called "good" or "friendly" bacteria, numerous probiotic species live in a healthy body, particularly in the digestive tract. Probiotics feed on the organisms that can cause ill health, including fungi, "bad" bacteria and yeasts. Probiotics help with digestion of food, gas and bloating and contribute to health in many ways. It is particularly important to replenish after taking antibiotics.





Serves as a powerful antioxidant that helps maintain a strong immune system. It converts into vitamin A as needed by the body. Crucial for maintaining healthy vision, skin and coat.


Helps the functioning of the brain and the nervous system. Promotes muscle tone in the gastrointestinal tract. Helps to maintain healthy skin, coat, eyes, mouth and liver.


Essential for normal functioning of the heart, nerves, muscles, skin and digestive system.


Necessary for carbohydrate-fat-protein metabolism, and red blood cell and antibody formation. Essential for maintaining healthy eyes, skin, and coat.


Promotes proper growth and function of the nervous system. Also helps maintenance of healthy skin, tongue and digestive system.


Known for promoting healthy mood balance. Plays an important role in the production of the adrenal hormones and the formation of antibodies. Needed for normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.


Necessary for carbohydrate-fat-protein metabolism, antibody and red blood cell formation. Aids digestion.


Helps maintain the fatty sheaths that cover and protect nerve endings. Aids in cell formation and cellular longevity. Helps in the utilization of iron. Important for maintaining healthy red blood cells and neurological function.


A powerful antioxidant that is vital for the immune system and a myriad of metabolic processes in the body. Promotes the formation of collagen, healthy tissue and cell growth. Aids in proper adrenal gland function. Helps to eliminate toxic substances such as heavy metals from the body. Supports healthy eyesight.


Promotes a healthy immune system. It aids the immune system by adjusting the body’s response to sensitivities. It also supports strong bones by helping the body absorb calcium. Furthermore, it promotes a healthy cardiovascular system by supporting healthy veins and arteries.

vitamin D3

Recent research has shown that vitamin D's role in the body does more than just contribute to healthy bones. There is mounting evidence that a deficiency in this vitamin can be detrimental.


A very effective antioxidant that protects the cell structure against free radicals. Aids in the utilization of vitamin A. Important for maintaining a healthy immune system, blood circulation and proper formation of tissue and cell growth. Supports cardiovascular health, red blood cells and neurological function.


A strong antioxidant that helps protect against the harmful effects of free radicals. It is utilized by the body’s immune system to form blood clots. It also helps support a healthy immune system and cardiovascular system.

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